Newsletter Archive

My most unusual job

When I was at university, I joined the Film Society. Everyone did because it was a cheap, hassle-free way to see films. They were usually the kind of films that you should like -we were students after all, but there were the odd few good ones that made the membership fee worth it. Sometime in […]

Sneak Peek

2023 is going to be the most planned of my writing years to date. Releasing Snug in Iceland was a bit of an experiment for me to see whether Indie publishing was going to work and now I know it can, it means I need to be organised! I will be releasing a third Iceland […]

Making Christmas

As you may have gathered, I love making things. I grew up knitting and sewing, skills that were passed onto me by my Mum. I make a lot of stuff, so much so that most of my family have reached their limit and are not grateful enough to deserve anything knitted these days. My husband […]

Christmas Movies

I’ve always loved a Christmas film. I think it started with Love Actually, which we always watch on 23rd December because that’s the best day for it, but since then there have been many many more Christmas films which have captured the essence of Christmas so well. I really do love the Channel 5 ones, […]

Snug Snowflake Stars

In a past life, I used to own a knitting shop in Great Malvern. Every year, there is a Christmas window competition in the town and there was enormous pressure – mainly from me! – to make an impression. One year we, together with some lovely customers, crocheted hundreds of these snowflakes. We hung them […]

Christmas Books

I LOVE reading Christmas books but I don’t like getting festive too early so I used to start on 1st December; the anticipation is all part of the fun of Christmas. But a month is not enough time. There are a few books that I can read after Christmas, some are set over winter, like […]

Christmas Countdown!

In early November, my daughter suggested that it would be fun to have 12 Snug Days of Christmas. I loved the idea and she even did some sample posts for me and suggested something for every day. The only decision to make was when. Do I go 1st to 12th December? 12th to 24th? Which […]

Book Signing

Before Hideaway in Iceland was released on Tuesday 1st November, I did a pre-launch signing at the Malvern Book Cooperative on Saturday. It’s the first time I’ve ever done an event like this but with this being my third book, and knowing how much support there was locally for Snug in Iceland, I felt it […]